Friday, 23 May 2014

 Equine Communication Concepts Workshop
Instructor - Suzanne Bellette
 Melbourne, 28–29th June, 2014



Developing a relationship with your horse starts by building a language on the ground. This enhances the horse's confidence in their interaction with you.
Understanding what we are trying to communicate helps the horse accept what it is we are asking of them.
When a horse accepts what we are communicating willingly, there is little opposition or resistance to our requests.
This builds towards a more harmonious relationship that benefits both the horse and the human, particularly around leadership and safety.

In the workshop you will:
Learn to apply innovative, simple techniques and strategies that engages your horse in the process of learning on the ground and later in the saddle.

Develop a basic understanding of learning theory – for use when teaching your horse new concepts or enhancing what your horse has already learnt.

For more information and to register your interest, contact Suzanne on 0419 603 122
Visit Suzanne Bellette’s website for testimonials.

Clinic Format
A half day of theory and simulation (no horses) + 1 day of
demonstrations and interactive application of concepts (with the
Saturday 28th June 2014 – 1.00pm to 4.30pm
Discussion of simple theory concepts and simulations without the horses.
Sunday 29th June – 9.00am to 4.00pm
Demonstrations and interactive application of concepts with the horses.

Willow Lane Equestrian Centre, 296 Pillars Road, Bangholme, 3175
Cost: $230* + cost to ride at Willow Lane (approx' $12)
*Fee includes temporary insurance for the duration of the course with Bitless Inc. of $30