Friday 21 March 2014

Bitless Equine Communication Clinic

        Develop communication skills that enhance your horse's understanding of yielding to your requests on the ground and in the saddle, without the need to use a bit.

Improve the following:

* Horse and rider confidence
* Flexion of the horse's body
* Single and two rein exercises
* Transitions
* Relaxation

Topics for discussion :

Advantages of not using a bit
Transitioning to bitless
Strategies for teaching your horse
a new concept.
Safety guidelines for the future.

Experience a new level of understanding the basic principals of horsemanship with a natural approach that benefits your horse and you.
                          This is a 2 day course with demonstrations
                               of these concepts on the ground and
     in the saddle.
              For more information and to
                       register your interest, contact:
                        For testimonials visit:

                                This clinic will be held in the Shepparton region, Victoria
                                                             on the 12 / 13th April 2014.

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